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Where the Sun Down Shine
Cocaine & Alprazolam
Citation:   TheGenderBender. "Where the Sun Down Shine: An Experience with Cocaine & Alprazolam (exp116039)". Feb 10, 2022.

1 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
  150 mg rectal Cocaine (liquid)
***!!!This report involves using a NEEDLE-LESS SYRINGE!!!***

I've been an on/off user for 8 years now. Tried benzos first, then oxy's, MDMA, cocaine, acid, shrooms, and heroin.

Mindset: pretty depressed, my life is in shambles and there is no way out. I decided to go on one last binge before I can't afford this anymore. In some ways, it's a good thing. I've fucked up a lot of relationships exclusively through drug and alcohol abuse. I do hate myself for that.

The reason for this ROA is that I've just heard it's better, smoother and all around a good time.

[0.00] I swallow a 1mg pressed xanax
[0.05] I prep the solution, using approximately 150mg of coke and 1ml water. I notice that it doesn't dissolve well and leaves a light greenish residue.
[0.10] Lie on my side and do the deed, I insert it about halfway the length of the 1mL syringe [NEEDLE-LESS SYRINGE!!!!!!], let it go
[0.13] feel a small rush, but nothing amazing.
[0.20] feel a better rush now, hands sweaty, low grade euphoria
(I accidentally rub by nose, only to realize there is no purpose :)
[0.30] high is very smooth, it eliminates the dreadful anxiety I get when sufflating it.
[0.40] Seems like high is over.
[0.50] Job is done

Got a mixed feeling about this one. I read that boofing would have a very intense high, similar to IV'ing. That's not what I experienced. It is smooth, less intense and the comedown is actually pleasant.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 116039
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 36
Published: Feb 10, 2022Views: 1,977
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Cocaine (13) : Combinations (3), Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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